Cover © Arctis Books: The End

Covers © Audible, Inc.: House of Teeth; Minnesota Chronicles: The Gustafer Yellowgold Story, Volume 2; Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons; Night Magick

Covers © Lerner Publishing Group: Valiant; Tabula Rasa; Amity; A Summer of Sundays; Tear You Apart; The Secret of the Skeleton Key; The Mystery of the Pirate’s Treasure; The Mummy’s Curse; The Hunt for the Missing Spy; Lost City; The Crazy Case of Missing Thunder; The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue; Superhero Silliness; The Mysterious Talent Show Mystery; The Ha-Ha-Haunting of Hill House; The Crazy Classroom Caper

Cover © Owl Hollow Press: The Witches of Willow Cove

Covers © Simon and Schuster: Big Island Burglary; The Great Goat Gaffe; Duck Derby Debacle; Recipe Ruckus; Sea Life Secrets; Robot Rescue!; The Bad Luck Skate; The Garden Plot; The Vanishing Statue; Danger at the Iron Dragon; A Capitol Crime; The Blue Lady of Coffin Hall; A Treacherous Tide; Trouble Island; Mystery on the Mayhem Express; As the Falcon Flies; Augmented Reality; The Blurred Blogger Depth Perception

Covers © Skyhorse Publishing: Devils Within; Timekeeper; Chainbreaker; Firestarter; A Spark of White Fire; Brooding YA Hero: Becoming a Main Character (Almost) as Awesome as Me; Science No Fair!; Soccer Shocker!; My Robot Ate My Homework; Phone-y Friends; Give a ’Bot a Bone; Someone’s Got a Screw Loose; Nuts About Science; Solids, Liquids, Guess Who’s Got Gas; The Colossal Fossil Fiasco; dotwav; dotmeme; The Gravedigger’s Son; It’s a Mystery, Pig Face!; The Duke of Bannerman Prep; Wandering Wild; Death and Douglas; League of American Traitors; A Million Times Goodnight; One Moment; The Bakersville Dozen; Sleight; Boomerang; Fear the Drowning Deep; Freak ’N’ Gorgeous; Ten After Closing; Game of Secrets; Food Fight Fiesta; Mary Had a Little Lizard; Call Me Sunflower; No Peacocks!

Covers © TGM Development Corp.: The Missing Hamster; Mystery Goo; Clara Poole and the Long Way Round; Clara Poole and the Wrong Way Up; Egypt’s Fire; S.O.S.; The Peruvian Express; Forever Friends; Sweet and Silly; Even Yetis Get Colds; Hide and Go Beak; Have a Slice Day; When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Peach Pie; The Peach Pit; Missy Wants a Mammoth; Capitol Chase; Eternal Flame; Moongarden; Seagarden; Ashgarden; Open for Business; Tons of Talent; Sister Sabotage; Bella and the Vampire; The Were-woof; Creature from the Gloppy Green Pool; The Sinister Secrets of Singe; The Sinister Secrets of the Fabulous Nothings; Howdy, Partner!; Dinomite!; Wreck at Ada’s Reef; Rocky Road; Big Move to a Tiny House; Toy Store Trouble; Quiet Please!; Make New Friends, But Keep the Old; Time for Teamwork; No Hard Feelings; Final Word; Fault Lines

“Mirrors, Windows, Sliding Door” reference with thanks to Rudine Sims Bishop, “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors.”

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